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     We are the world class engineering manufacturer providing the highest quality products, services and solutions to our customers.
     We are the world class engineering manufacturer providing the highest quality products, services and solutions to our customers.


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Our dynamic Sugar Project team consists of experienced personnel equipped to carry out detailed feasibility studies. They ensure that the project is technically and economically feasible taking into consideration the individual requirements of the customer. They also design, construct and run the sugar mills on turn-key basis. A typical feasibility study at HMC comprises of:-

  • Analysis of raw material.
  • Site survey and selection in relation to in-frastructure facilities, study of soil, water etc.
  • Local labor conditions for construction as well as running of the factory.
  • Investment study, cost analysis, cash flow etc.

PRODUCT RANGE HMC provides turnkey solutions for mills, process houses and all other equipment required for all kinds of sugar industries, including complete sugar plants handled on turnkey basis. Its energy saving solutions with exceptional results has made it the leader in this highly competitive industry.



  • Compact Plant layouts reduce cost of civil works while allowing provision for future expansion.
  • Rugged equipment designs ensure reduced downtime.
  • Plant optimization, balancing and modernization by modular addition of equipment
  • Co-generation of power for existing and new sugar plants, to improve viability.
  • Optimized equipment and piping designs to reduce energy consumption.


  • Experienced Project Managers, Engineers, Construction and Commissioning personnel work together for efficient Project Management and on time delivery.
  • S. Project based planning, scheduling and monitoring.
  • Sequential supplies ensure organized construction at site.
  • Site Construction & Commissioning activities.

DESIGN AND ENGINEERING HMC’s engineering team is the largest and most competent in the country. Our engineering staff comprises of design engineers, designing draughtsman and other complementary staff.  These technologists, who are specialists in their respective spheres, draw up the details for complete plant engineering from plant layout to equipment selection, equipment design, piping schedules, material balance, utility balance, heat balance, loading and strength calculations of supporting structure etc. Our design team is capable of handling the engineering of:

  • Complete sugar plants up to 20,000 TCD based on various processes such as:
  • Double Carbonation Double Sulphitation process.
  • Sulpho Defecation Process.
  • Defecation Remelt Carbonation/Sulphitation Process.
  • Any other Process preferred by buyer (Telofloc etc.)


  • AutoCAD for generation of drawing and bill of Materials
  • Sugars for Sugar process design
  • STAAD PRO structural design
  • TEKLA for Structure Detailing
  • CAESAR –II for piping stress analysis
  • PV Elite For pressure vessels
  • KISS SOFT for Gearing

 INSTALLATION We also offer plant installation, erection and commissioning. We can undertake the complete project on turnkey basis. Or, if preferred, we can only supervise the erection. This means that our experts and technicians remain on site throughout, ensuring that each part or component of equipment is installed according to the laid down requirements. Our experts guide, help and supervise the entire project from erection to commissioning and trail run. So the installation and commissioning becomes our responsibility, instead of yours. To make it easier, we guarantee after-sale services and are always available to solve your problems, if any. Every HMC product carries an assurance of reliability and efficient guaranteed performance. CANE PREPARATION HMC design and delivers equipment for cane unloading and preparation in accordance with customer’s requirements – Manual or Mechanical. The arrangement of mechanical cane unloading and preparation system comprises of:

  • Feeding tables
  • Horizontal and inclined conveyors
  • Levelers
  • Cane cutter
  • Shredder

MILLS Today HMC produces, delivers, erects and puts into operation cane mills, conventional and 2- Roller mills (HYMECH) with capacities ranging up to 20,000 tons of cane daily. HMC has indigenously developed 2-roller cane crushing mills in different sizes.

  • 45”x84”
  • 46”x90”
  • 50”x90”
  • 55”x106” (World largest 2-Roller mill)

   HMC also provide conventional mills with different sizes:  

  • 28”x54”
  • 34”x65”
  • 36”x72”
  • 38”x78”
  • 40”x80”
  • 42”x84”
  • 45”x84”
  • 50”x100
  • 52”x106”

     The resulting extraction of HMC cane mills lies between 96 to 98 percent. The moisture of the bagasse leaving the last mill is 50 percent.   DRIVES HMC gears are designed to AGMA specifications or equivalent. Following types of gears are designed and manufactured, with power ranging 600kW to 1200kW

  • Spur gear
  • Helical gear
  • Double helical gear

CONVEYORS All types of conveyors   OVERHEAD CRANES HMC also manufactures all types of Cranes for Sugar Plants such as

  • Electric overhead traveling Cranes
  • Hand-operated traveling Cranes
  • Manually operated Crane hoist

HMC manufactures cranes of required capacities for mill houses.  


CLARIFIER The HMC clarifiers are exclusively designed for clarification of raw cane juice. They consist of four compartments for clarification and one compartment for receiving the juice and removal of scum etc., which cannot be settled. Independent operation of all the compartments is achieved by separated provisions in each compartment for feed, overflow, takeoff and mud withdrawal. This allows the unit to operate as four totally independent clarifiers enclosed in a common housing. These clarifiers offer exciting improvement in process efficiency and true savings in process costs by higher capacity and maximum operating efficiency.   VACUUM FILTER Range of vacuum filters are supplied by HMC, with newly size developed of 13”X26”

  • 8”X16”
  • 10”x20”
  • 13”x26”

 JUICE HEATER Shell and tubes juice heaters are designed and manufactured, with different tube sizes, lengths and number of passes. Shell is made of cast iron and stainless steel tubes. Calandria plate is divided into several passes, juice travels through these passes from top to bottom and vice versa. Different sealing arrangements are available ensuring no leakages. Design Features:

  • Juice heaters coming in Carbon Steel fabricated tubular shell structure finish.
  • The assembly of tubes present supports in the circulation of juice as well as vapour outside them.
  • Presence of headers force juices to pass certain number of times from bottom to top and vice versa of heater as well as also restrict juice flow each time to few of tubes.
  • Juice heaters are made available in options as Vertical juice heaters, Vapour line juice heaters, Dynamic juice heaters and Condensate juice heaters.
  • Juice heaters can also be designed & sized as per process capacity as well as customer requirements.

  Juice heater is designed on following parameters:

  • Testing pressure of heating chamber is 2.5 kg/cm2
  • Testing pressure of juice heating chamber is 5 kg/cm2
  • Working pressure of heating chamber is 1.5 kg/cm2
  • Working pressure of juice heating chamber is 4 kg/cm2

Capacity (heating surface area) ranges from 80m2 to 700m2. Juice heaters can be designed and sized as per process capacity as well as customer requirements. Juice Heater - Advantages:

  • System coming with efficient multiple passage steam distribution & circulation support.
  • Coming with provision of quick cover opening with balancing device so as to ensure easy opening.
  • High pressure tested leak proof finish that assists in achieving maximum process efficiency.
  • Interchangeability provision.
  • Positive removal of condensate.
  • Removal of heavy & light noxious gases and adequate venting connections.
  • Requires low maintenance.

EVAPORATOR Two types of evaporators are designed, manufactured and supplied by HMC:

  • Falling Film Evaporator (FFE)
  • Robert type evaporator



In FFE, juice travels from top to bottom. When juice is feed from top of the tubes, it descends in the tubes entraining with it the vapors produced and collects in the lower chamber where the vapour separates and from which it is evacuated to the following vessel. FFE supply the pure exhaust condensate to boiler without sugar contamination, to reduce the high pressure steam consumption in the refinery process house which will avoid the high color development during the refining process. FFE available capacity ranges from 2500m2 to 8500m2. Customer desired higher capacity can also be manufactured. Key Features:

  • Tubes are secured with baffles to avoid vibrations.
  • Negligible retention time.
  • No boiling point elevation.
  • Option of capacity flexibility.
  • High evaporation rate.
  • Maximum steam economy.
  • Unique design of juice distributor in S.S. construction gives even distribution of juice across the tubes

Specifications are:

  • Tube OD: 35mm
  • Tube thickness: 2mm
  • Tube length: 12m
  • Tube plate thickness(with stiffeners) : 30 ~ 40mm
  • Calandria/ vapor chamber/ skirt thickness: 16mm
  • Tubes/ juice distributor/ baffle plates material: AISI 304L
  • Rest parts: Carbon Steel

Designed on following parameters:

  • Design pressure: 3 kg/cm2
  • Design temperature: 150 degree Celsius
  • Working pressure: 1 ~ 2 kg/cm2

Advantages of FFE over conventional Robert evaporators are:

  • Low retention time
  • Less chances of sugar decomposition
  • Less chances of color formation
  • Low sugar losses
  • Less recirculation
  • Steam consumption due to less recirculation
  • Low scaling
  • Better heat transfer
  • Better heat transfer coefficient
  • No boiling point elevation due to hydrostatic head
  • Temperature drop between heating steam and generated vapors is low
  • Steam economy

ENTRAINMENT SEPERATOR It is a long vertical shell for the efficient and effective removal of sugar particles from vapors generated from FFE. Type                                                                             Vertical shell Shell Dia                                                                       To suite FFE Shell height                                                                   10m Shell material                                                              Carbon Steel Shell Thickness                                                            16 mm thk Top & bottom cones                                                     Carbon Steel 16 mm thk. Diverting plate                                                              Carbon Steel (25 mm thk) Reinforcement rings                                                     02 Nos (16 mm thk)  


Robert evaporator consists of a tubular calandria with central downtake for better recirculation, serving as heat exchanger. Side down take is also available. The heating steam/vapor surrounds the outside of the tubes and the juice to be evaporated circulates inside the tubes. Calandria, vapor chamber, bottom cone is made of Carbon Steel and tubes are of Stainless Steel. Evaporators designed by HMC have multiple options for entrainment separation, internal and external. Robert type evaporator capacity ranges from 400m2 to 5000m2, with several tube lengths and diameter are available. Customer desired higher capacity can also be manufactured. Designed on following parameters:

  • Maximum Working pressure of calandria: 5 kg/cm2
  • Maximum Working pressure of vapor chamber: 2 kg/cm2
  • Testing hydraulic pressure of calandria: 5 kg/cm2
  • Testing hydraulic pressure of vapor chamber: 3 kg/cm2

Design Features:

  • Evaporators comes Carbon steel fabricated in vertical tubular construction.
  • Features support of stainless steel tubes that come fixed along its length.
  • All tubes & joints coming high pressure tested so as to achieve maximum heating and process efficiency.
  • Allows for efficient distribution of steam.
  • Assists in achieving optimum removal of non-condensable gases, thus allowing for better heat transfer.
  • Less space needed because of long tube design.
  • Calandria designed with sufficient annular for exit of non-condensate gases from center.
  • Umbrella provided above top tube plate provided for avoiding carry over juice particles through vapor.
  • Assists in attaining high brix of syrup.

CONTINUOUS VACUUM PAN Today HMC is one of the largest suppliers of continuous Pans in the Pakistan. Modernizing the Pan house in sugar industry involved meeting the requirement of economy in processing by way of increased throughput, improving process efficiencies, economy of steam, energy and manpower. HMC in close co-operation with the industry has designed the Continuous Vacuum Pan have been successfully executed. The capacities available are 102 m3 (1000m2) and 70m3(720m2) for low-grade massecuite and high grade massecuite.   Design Features

  • Heart-shaped profile of Pan to enhance natural circulation.
  • Operator friendly and fully automated.
  • Ensure uniform throughput and product quality.
  • Saves space and energy.
  • Low temperature vapor boiling.
  • Maximized exhaustion of mother

  VACUUM PAN Vacuum Pans is used for further processing of the syrup that comes out from evaporator section of 60O Brix which is converted into 90O Brix to 100O Brix that leads to formation of sugar crystals in pan. For efficient process support, pan uses three types of massecuite - 'A', 'B', C & 'R'. Our expertise lies in offering two types of pans including Low Head Batch Type Vacuum Pans and Continuous Vacuum Pans. These are used for attaining consistent formation of crystals through optimum removal of noxious gases & condensate and operate on hydraulic & pneumatic operated discharge valves that ensure low steam consumption as well as better performance support. Vacuum boiling pan is a central-down take pan. The pan has been specially designed with central-down take to provide better circulation path for the massecuite so as to ensure higher heat transfer with low temperature and pressure bled vapors. This pan ensures 100% activated zones because of good massecuite circulation and avoids sugar loss. Provision of Mechanical circulator is also available in HMC designed pans for excellent circulation. Two different designs are available i.e. Inverted cone and Dome type. The capacities available range from 25m3 to 70m3 for A, B, C and Refine massecuite Working principle:

  • At pan stage, syrup from evaporators gets converted to crystal sugar.
  • Process involves charge of syrup taken into vacuum pan and again boiled that leads to introduction of very fine "seed" crystals
  • With due evaporation of water, fresh syrup is added with sugar deposited on seed
  • Process continues till crystals reach desired size of around 1 mm square.
  • Resultant semi liquid mass of sugar crystals & molasses is called 'massecuite'.

Design Features:

  • Vacuum pans Carbon steel fabricated in vertical cylindrical construction with support of stainless steel tubes that come fixed along the length.
  • Pans coming high pressure tested prior to completion.
  • Calandria normally supplied separate with associated body in parts and assembled on-site.


  • Delivering enhanced evaporation rates because of fast boiling.
  • Delivers higher heating surface volume ratio.
  • Provides for quicker as well as higher circulation that results in uniform grain size.
  • Allows minimizing of boiling period of massecuite that assist in achieving better pan capacity.
  • Allows for uniform steam distribution in Calandria through provision of annular space around tube plate.

Discharge Valve:

  • Hydraulic discharge valves provided in pan allows for achieving minimized pan dropping/washing time as well as assists in enhancing pan capacity by 5 to 10%.
  • Providing saving of 10 minutes during pan dropping that in turn assists in enhancing pan capacity
  • Allows for complete operation ease.
  • Involved operations can be handled by single person.
  • Requires less maintenance through avoiding gear mechanism.

  VERTICAL CRYSTALLIZER HMC is involved in manufacturing a wide array of Vertical Crystallizers. Highly acknowledged for their high performance, optimum efficiency, sturdy construction, durable finish standards and longer service life.  This is commonly used in the sugar industry for the economically important final recovery of sucrose from the mother liquor present in the massecuites obtained at the end of the vacuum evaporates crystallization stages. The offered products are designed and fabricated under the supervision of our professionals in mono designs and in following capacities like 150m3 & 175m3 for continuous curing of B & C masseuses. Further, our esteemed clients can avail these vertical crystallizers from us in different sizes and specifications as per their needs. Features:

  • More purity drop of mother liquor.
  • Less cost per unit volume.
  • No supporting staging etc.
  • Easy to install on ground.
  • Compact, space saving installation.
  • Less power consumption.

  AIR COOLED CRYSTALLIZER With our-in depth knowledge in the sugar industry, we are supplying quality assured range of air cooled crystallizer for sugar mills. Offered crystallizer is tested in terms of quality in order to deliver a flawless range. This crystallizer is manufactured using supreme class material and cutting edge technology at par with international standards. Also, we offer crystallizer in different capacities as per the needs of customers. Benefits:

  • Robustness
  • Elegant and compact design
  • Rust proof nature
  • Compact design
  • Less maintenance
  • Easy to use
  • Cost effective
  • Corrosion & Thermal Resistance


  • Capacity: 25m3 ~ 70m3

HMC KONTI CENTRIFUGALS The HMC-KONTI 10DC/12DC is self-discharging continuous centrifugal. The basket has conical backing screen supporting a pure nickel working screen The basket is manufactured in two forms:-

  • With an inclination of 30◦ from the vertical for high grade massecuite
  • With an inclination of 34◦ from the vertical for low grade massecuite.

The basket is connected to the shaft which is driven by induction motor 55KW for 10-DC and 75KW for 12-DC via v-belts and pulleys. The shaft is supported by three bearings. Capacity: Depending upon the quality of massecuite, the purging capacity is as follows:

  • 10DC                      12DC
  • 10-14T/H              10-14T/H
  • 10-14T/H              16-20T/H
  • 14-20T/H              20-33T/H
  • Low grade massecuite
  • B massecuite and affinatin of C-Sugar
  • A massecuite and affinatin of B-Sugar or A-Sugar

Continuous Centrifugals are supplied in standard or large casings for following operation;

  • For purging dry Sugar
  • For magma operation
  • For dissolving operation
  • For remelt operation

GRASS HOPPER CONVEYOR HMC as leaders in this industry, we are providing our esteemed clients with excellent quality Grasshopper. The offered conveyor is designed and manufactured using high grade material and contemporary technology by our skilled professionals. We assure our clients that our range is quality examined on predefined parameters, in order to meet industry standards. Apart from this, our prestigious clients can avail this conveyor as per their needs, at highly competitive price. Features:

  • Compact size
  • Excellent quality
  • High durability

We offer superior quality Sugar Hoppers to achieve maximum output in the area of its application. We design them as per the plant / customer requirement.   SUGAR DUST COLLECTOR Almost every second factory is facing serious Sugar Dust Problem, resulting in coating of dust on sugar grain due to presence of fine dust in bagging. More over the spreading of dust in Drier/Sugar house is not only causing serious Dust Pollution but also a sheer loss of product due to dust generated in sugar handling. The system arrest the Fine & Flying Dust, generated during drying, conveying, sizing, bagging & ensure the work area clean, free from dust build up eliminates the risk of fire and Mechanical/Electrical damages otherwise take place due to dust emission. The dust so recovered is recycled and yields additional recovery. Dust collection is a continuous and on-line process in which specially designed suction hoods are placed close to the generation of dust. The exhaust extracted by the suction hood is carried to a separation device Wet Scrubber above, through a network of ducting, finally disposed off by mixing it in recirculating water. We have successfully solved the Dust Problem as well as improved the Luster Quality of Sugar in many Factories and enjoying the TREMENDOUS BENEFITS of installations. The average dust collected in almost all factories is found 125 kg on every 1000 quintals of sugar produced / bagged in Sugar House. We are the only top dust collector manufacturer giving the best machinery with the below features.   Salient features

  • High Efficiency dust collection system effectively arrest particles up to 5 micron.
  • Hoods & entry to Dust collector is designed to eliminate entrainment of dust.
  • Complete Remedy for sparks / risks of fire, frequent damages of Electricals & bearings.
  • Almost 100% collection of Flying Dust, Cooling effect at Pan Station & comfortable climate.
  • The State-of-the-Art Technology, Computerized Design for Scrubber & Fan for Durability & smooth performance.
  • Four Important Tasks Working, Environment, Economy, Seasonal returns & Negligible Maintenance are being considered for System Design.

  SUGAR GRADER We are one of the reputed sugar grader manufacturers, providing graders that are very popular in the sugar cane processing industry. These indigenous graders provide vital grading functions that help in maintaining sugar cane quality and are known to improve the efficiency in grading processes. These graders are priced competitively as well, thereby sugar cane producers of various capacities to improve their services and bring in greater efficiency in their production. SUGAR ELEVATOR We manufacture fine quality Sugar Elevators as per client requirement and specification. Our designed Elevators are used for handling, transporting of sugar from bottom to the top direction. The Industrial Elevators that we offer are easy to operate and require low maintenance. The Elevator is constructed using mild steel buckets attached to a belt or chain. The belt can be made of natural fibers, rubber, plastic or metal. Clients can avail these Elevators from us at market leading prices.  

Sugar Plants


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Steel Bridges

Overhead Pedestrain Bridges

Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) has vast experience in designing, manufacturing and installation of overhead pedestrian bridges. HMC has built a wide range of these bridges both truss type and arch type in Gujranwala, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad & Peshawar etc. HMC has manufactured some of the biggest bridges in Pakistan. Recently, HMC has manufactured Truss Type Bridge of 66m which is installed at Khanna Interchange Rawalpindi.

Truss Type Bridge

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Arch Type Bridge

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Industrial Structures

Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) has vast experience in designing, manufacturing and installation of general heavy industrial structures. HMC has designed and fabricated a wide range of these structures.



HMC – made Surface Traversers transfer table is capable of transporting 125 ton diesel electric locomotive. It is constructed from rolled steel plates or section to form a rigid structure. HMC can manufacture Surface Traversers of different traversing loads depending on clients’ requirements.


HMC Railway Axles are forged from special steel checked ultrasonically and subjected to magnetic particle testing to ensure flawless forging. They are subjected to drop test as well. They are finally machined and burnished to bearing sizes. Before packing and dispatch, proper protection to critical surfaces is provided. HMC can undertake manufacture of Axles of different gauges and designs.


Material used for Screw Couplings is class IV and class II steel. All parts are forged and heat treated carefully. They are subjected to physical tests like impact, destruction and proof load and are protected and painted properly.


Jack frame is made of rolled mild steel plates electrically welded. Lead screw and cross head are forged out of 0.45 carbon steel ingot. Screw Jacks work on mechanical and electrical systems. Four jacks are combined to make one set and are synchronised electrically to move at a time. Can lift Railway Engines and Bogies quite safely.  


HMC can design and fabricate all the main and supporting structures for all areas of cement plant. Recently, HMC has taken the complete contract of structures of all the areas of Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited Line-III project. This line has clinker producing capacity of 7300 TPD. HMC will design and fabricate whole structures,  weighing approximately 3400 tons. Likewise, HMC has built different structures for other cement plants as well i.e. Poineer Cement, Power Cement, Kohat Cement Company Limited, Fauji Cement, Lucky Cement Limited  etc.  


HMC can design and fabricate all the main and supporting structures for all areas of sugar plant. In all sugar plants designed, fabricated and installed by HMC so far, all the required structures are designed, fabricated and installed by HMC.  


HMC can design and fabricate all the main and supporting structures for all types of boiler such as Baggas boilers in sugar industries, Coal fired boilers, Waste heat recovery boilers etc. In all boilers designed, fabricated and installed by HMC so far, all the required structures are designed, fabricated and installed by HMC.

Flag Poles

HMC has the ability to manufacture flag poles of any height. We have manufactured flag pole of maximum height upto 220ft.

Installed at Islamabad Expressway H8 - Islamabad,

Height: 220 ft.


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HMC – made Surface Traversers transfer table is capable of transporting 125 ton diesel electric locomotive. It is constructed from rolled steel plates or section to form a rigid structure. HMC can manufacture Surface Traversers of different traversing loads depending on clients’ requirements.


HMC Railway Axles are forged from special steel checked ultrasonically and subjected to magnetic particle testing to ensure flawless forging. They are subjected to drop test as well. They are finally machined and burnished to bearing sizes. Before packing and dispatch, proper protection to critical surfaces is provided. HMC can undertake manufacture of Axles of different gauges and designs.


Material used for Screw Couplings is class IV and class II steel. All parts are forged and heat treated carefully. They are subjected to physical tests like impact, destruction and proof load and are protected and painted properly. SCREW JACKS Jack frame is made of rolled mild steel plates electrically welded. Lead screw and cross head are forged out of 0.45 carbon steel ingot. Screw Jacks work on mechanical and electrical systems. Four jacks are combined to make one set and are synchronised electrically to move at a time. Can lift Railway Engines and Bogies quite safely.

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Shahzor Road Rollers

Shehzore Road Roller is a tried and trusted product of international design and national craftsmanship. Performance in all weather conditions and in all types of terrain has successfully demonstrated outstanding ability for stabilizing base and sub-base courses, to meet compaction specifications and to build smooth finished roads at a consistentfast pace. Road Builders with tight schedules and budgetary limitations, particularly, appreciate its performance without break-downs and maintenance hold-ups. Shehzore Road Rollers are extremely easy to service right on the job. The highest appreciations for Shehzore comes from the operators. They all happily acknowledge its easy controls and fatigue-free handling from a comfortable seat. Some of the other features of Shehzore which make it prominent over other makes are:

  • tough, versatile and dependable
  • low operating cost and high standard of performance
  • easy access for inspection and maintenance
  • sturdy construction
  • comfortable driver’s seat
  • excellent after – sale service arrangement in the field

Shehzore is designed for maximum comfort, with a well-padded seat for maximum shock absorbency. It also features finger - tip operation - all switches and controls are within easy reach of the driver, making operation fatigue-free. Driver’s platform is supplied with an awning.


Shehzore gives superior performance under all working conditions. The 4 stroke 55 H.P. diesel engine has a special-in-line type of fuel injection pump. The engine is water-cooled. Combined lubrication - both forced and splash, ensures lubrication even under adverse conditions. It is economical on fuel, consuming less than 200 gms  /  b.h.p - hr.


Shehzore has 3-speed gearbox with forward and reverse speeds and is equipped with wet type friction clutch designed for a longer wear life. Brakes are exceptionally very strong and effective within a distance of 1 metre at full operational speed. Shafts and gears are designed to highest accuracy with low noise level.


Mechanical steering system of Shehzore Road Roller is supplemented by a hydraulic system which supplies extra turning force at the steering wheel by means of steering servo valve and steering oil cylinder. This considerably reduces effort of the driver in handling and steering of the Road Roller. It also makes the steering operation easy and provides quicker maneuverability.

Special Safety Feature:

In case of failure of the hydraulic system ‘mechanical steering comes into operation which ensures positive steering control at all times. HMC’s AFTER SALE SERVICE ensures efficiently and prompt repair of the machines on construction sites and a regular and all-time availability of spares.

Asphalt Mixing Plants

  • 40-60 ton/hour, stationary and mobile Asphalt Mixing Plants
  • 60-80 ton/hour stationary Asphalt Mixing Plants
  • Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plants

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Oil and Gas

HMC has entered into collaboration arrangements with several leading Design/Engineering companies of the world specializing in various Process Technologies for different Oil and Gas processing plants and Production Equipment. HMC’s technological archives are in possession of the ‘State of Art’ in process and manufacturing technologies of the various gas processing plants and equipment. As a consequence of development of HMC’s capabilities in the field of oil & gas, processing plants equipment are now regular production items in our manufacturing program.

Our products for oil and gas industry include:

  • Gas dehydration plant.
  • Gas sweetening plant.
  • Sulphur recovery plant.
  • LPG/NGL recovery plant.
  • Crude stabilizing plant.
  • Oil, gas & water separators. (Two phase & Three phase)
  • Pressure Vessels of different sizes and parameters
  • Cementing equipment.
  • Storage tanks. (LPG, Diesel, Crude oil, Water etc.)
  • Heat Exchangers (Shell & Tube, Air cooled, Double pipe)
  • Columns
  • Mud Solution Tanks.
  • Off-site facilities and utilities.

Equipment supplied by HMC conform to API/ASME standard specifications and is offered with the guarantees and warranties in accordance with the international practices. HMC has been authorized for ASME Code Stamps for pressure vessels and pressure piping. AMINE PLANTS Gas volumes which can be processed in these plants depend on the amount of acid gas in the inlet gas streams. Standard plants allow use of MEA, DEA, MDEA, DGA or other liquid solvents to remove acid gas. Each packaged, skid-mounted system includes all piping, instrumentation, and electrical components required. Field installation and hook-up can be handled quickly with assistance from HMC field personnel if desired. Amine plants needed to fulfill non-standard operating requirements can be custom-engineered. GLYCOL DEHYDRATION SYSTEMS HMC designs, engineers, fabricates, and installs Glycol Dehydration Systems, and provides complete service and maintenance contracts. The Process In contractor towers pure glycol flows downward over special bubble-cap trays while wet gas flows up through the tower. The system removes the water to meet pipeline specifications, as low as 1 lb/MMCFD Dehydrated gas leaves the tower ready for transport or additional processing. Wet glycol is filtered off impurities, the water distilled out, and the glycol is recycled to the contractor for system in operation.System capacities in standard and custom sizes range from 20-200 MMCFD. Standard Stream Line units are available. Systems for large gas flow rates or for other specified conditions are custom-engineered. SULPHUR RECOVERY SYSTEMS Minimize SO2 Emissions From Amine PlantsHMC provides Packaged Sulphur Recovery plants. On all plants, water-cooled surfaces help prevent corrosion caused by high-temperature sulfiding. External insulation is provided, where needed, to maintain vessel-wall temperatures above the water dewpoint of the process gases; this greatly reduces corrosion caused by water condensation. Equipment and piping are self-draining to prevent operational problems caused by sulphur solidification. A 95-plus percent recovery level is readily achieved. Package components vary, depending on the concentration on H2S in the process stream and the degree of sulphur recovery required. OIL AND GAS SEPARATION Oil and gas separator is basically simple. Nearly every competitive make operates in a similar manner, but little differences can create the margin between profit and loss, trouble-free operations and quick obsolescence and long service life. The well stream - a mixture of liquids and gases, enters at one end. The mixture abruptly slows down and settling begins. Natural separation takes place in slow-moving stream because of gravity segregation. The heavier liquids settle to the bottom of the vessel where they are withdrawn. The lighter gas rises to the upper portion of the vessel and is removed through a suitable opening. The removal of oil and water from the bottom is controlled by liquid level controllers that will keep the mixture in the vessel long enough for complete separation of the phases LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) STORAGE TANKS HMC is manufacturing 01 to 100 ton capacity LPG storage tanks with operating pressure 250 psi and temperature 45oC. LPG tank is supplied complete with all accessories.

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