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     We are the world class engineering manufacturer providing the highest quality products, services and solutions to our customers.
     We are the world class engineering manufacturer providing the highest quality products, services and solutions to our customers.


Testing Facilities (Material Testing Labs)

All products undergo through inspection and tests by out Quality Assurance Department at varios stages of manufacturing according to internationally established inspection procedures and methods. HMC is equipped with both destructive and non-destructive testing facilities and a metrological laboratory. 


Tensile testing of metallic materials on Universal Testing Machines (10 Tons, 30 Ton Tons, 60 Ton and 100 Tons)
Hardness testing , Bench type  and portable (Rockwell,Brinnel and Vicker)
Bend testing of metallic materials.
Charpy Impact Testing both at room temp and below zero
Charpy Impact Testing Machine 15/30 Kg-m/CM2
Compression Strength of refractory materials


i. Spectrometric

The department has unique installation of most modern spectrometer (Spectromax Germany of 26 elements) for analysis of Iron/ Steel and Copper based materials / alloys, adjacent to the melting section of HMC to provide accurate reliable and fast track analysis in a  minimum time,  since good process control requires prompt feed back.

ii. Wet Chemistry/analysis

All foundry inputs such as Ferro Alloys (Ferro Silico, Ferro Manganese, Ferro Chrome, Ferro Nickel & Ferro Vanadium etc), Al, Ni, Cu, Tin, Lead and their alloys are got checked before being incorporated into production function, in addition to these following testing facilities are also available.

–              Physical & chemical testing of silica sand and Bentonite Clay.
–              Refractory Materials of all kinds
–              Sodium Silicate, Water and Oil etc

iii. Equipment and machinery

  1. Mill Grindinder RS 1 Retsch Germany 700-1400 RPM
  2. Carbolite Muffle Furnace England , max temp 1500degree centigrade
  3. Electrolytic Analyzer Chinese
  4. Electronic Balance max weighing cpacity 150gms, readability 0.001gm
  5. Heating Furnace max temp 1340 degree centigrade
  6. Muller for bentonite sample preparation Ridsdale & Co, UK
  7. Seive Shaker Ridsdale & Co. UK
  8. Speedy Moisture Tester 0-20%
  9. Strength Tester ,Ridsdale & Co 0-1.3 kg/cm 2

(iv) Calibration

HMC has the facility of repair and calibration of instruments like:-

–      Pyrometers, pressure gauges, thermocouples, temperature indicators, meggers , avometers, voltmeters, dial indicators, vernier calipers, micrometers, sprit levels, steel taps and steel rules etc.



Metrology section has precision machines like:-
–      Projector JTT-500-II , ( 200 x100 / 0.001 mm)
–      Microscope Type JGX3 (200×100/0.001mm)
–      Metroscope JD-5
–      3 Meter length measuring machine JD-10 (0-3 meter/0.001 mm) and others for the measurement of

  1. Various templates, gauges manufactured for use in production.
  2. Sizes of components which can not be measured by ordinary methods.


  • Macro Etching Metals & Alloys 

–    For the examination of segregation, weld quality, pinholes etc.

  • Micro Examination for

–    Identification of microstructure
–    Grain size determination
–    Examination of Internal cracks
–    Detection of Non Metallic Inclusions
–    Process control

  • Equipment and machinery 
  1. Specimen Polisher/grinder ROTOPOL-25, Denmark max speed 600 rpm
  2. Specimen grinding machine Chinese, rpm 410/550
  3. Metallographic polisher Chinese rpm 1350
  4. Microhardness Tester Chinese HS-I , x 130-487
  5. Metallurgical Microscope (Brightfield/darkfield) with camera attachment Model 7530 , Meiji Japan upto x 1000
  6. Metallurgical Microscope Chinese XJB-I , x 1500-02 Nos
  7. Metallurgical Microscope Model XJG-4 , x 1600
  • Harden ability End Quench Test

For determining depth of hardness of harden- able steels
Using  Meta Serve End Quench Unit (Buhler UK)

  • Mc-QUAID EHN Test:  for  determination of Austenite  grain size of steel


Hydrostatic testing up to 150 bars pressure can be carried out with the existing facility


Pneumatic testing up to 7 kg/cm2 can be carried out with existing facility

ISLAMABAD: Following recent observations of the Supreme Court, the Capital Developrncmt Authority (CDA) decided to build a pedestrian bridge on Constitution Avenue near Pak Secretariat to facilitate the citizens. During hearing of an encroach- ment case. tbe apex court observed that there was no facility for pedestrains on constitution avenue. Later, the civic agency awarded the contract to Heavy Mechanical Complex, (HMC). “It is to intimate your quoted rates for the subject arch type pedestrian bridge having a span of 50 meters stand approved by the competent authority.”

“It is the r efore requested to immediately mobilise resources to start construction activities at site. Under intimation to this office and furnish requisite documents for signing of contract agreement” read the CDA letter issued on Jan 3. Meanwhile., the CDA also awarded contract to the HMC to design, engineer, manufacture, supply, erect and install three overhead pedestrian bridges near H-9 Sunday Bazaar on Kashmir liighway, Faisal Avenue ncar Pims and Jinnah Avenue near the G-9 gate to Fatima Jinnah Park. In all six pedesrrian bridges would be installed in the capital.

According to PC-l finallised a few years ago, eight bridges were to be set up in different pans of the city. But only two of them could be installed on Islamabad Highway. However. the sources said during the last one month the Secretariat project was eccp expedited, “Since Supreme Court also took up the issue, we expedited the project and soon the four new bridges would also be installed.

Meanwhile, we are also working on the files of two more bridges which are to be installed on Faisal Avenue near Pims and on IJP Road.” an offidal of the CDA said.